Nächsten Dienstag gibt's das komplette Buch, heute erfreut uns Del Rey noch einmal mit einem Miniauszug aus Razor's Edge:
Han ran faster, but the sound grew louder and louder, echoing off the walls. He risked a look back, and his light framed a big round dark metal wall shooting toward him.
Han swore and almost stumbled. Yeah, that’s a problem. The brief glimpse told him the thing took up the whole width of the corridor and there was no way he could outrun it. He shoved the light into his satchel to leave his hands free and thought, ‘You better get this right the first time, Solo.’
He spun around, had time to take a breath, then lunged forward and jumped as the metal wall rushed toward him. He grabbed for the top and caught the rim. Gritting his teeth, he scrabbled to keep his grip on metal that was slick with dust and moisture. A fall would be the end. A squashed, bloody, painful end.
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