Und wieder bietet uns Del Rey einen weiteren Auszug aus Martha Wells Roman Razor's Edge:
"Han,I don’t have time for this.” She looked at him with steely determination. “I have to help these people and I need you to . . . not try to stop me.”
Yeah, yeah, he knew she needed to help these people. She needed to help all the people. "Then let me go help them with you.”
“They only asked for Metara. It’s going to be awkward enough when she brings me along. More people would just make it worse.”
“Awkward?” Han lifted his brows at the choice of word. She was right, but he hated to send her out with no backup except Metara. The captain was a fanatic, and he would sooner trust a Hutt gang lord than a fanatic. “It’ll be awkward if they shoot you.”
“It’ll be just as awkward if they shoot all of us.” Leia folded her arms and gave him the I’m-the-Princess-and-you’re-not look. “I’m not going to argue about this.”
Diese Art Konversation ist uns zu Han und Leia ja nicht gerade unbekannt.
Razor's Edge wird voraussichtlich am 24. September erscheinen und lässt sich bei Amazon selbstredend bereits vorbestellen.
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